Made with

"In 3 months we were married.

It was 1957."


We went to Ireland on holiday. He surprised me, he just booked the car. We went for 3 weeks.

We went right to the north: stayed in Bed and Breakfast from Bandon to Killarney to Limerick and right up to Galway. He bought me a Shamrock. That is my Shamrock from Galway.

    M y   S h a m r o c k   f r o m   G a l w a y  


 T h i s   i s   n o t   a n   e n g a g e m e n t   r i n g !    


L u c y   O w e n ,   8 2 


D  I A G N O S E D   W I T H   C A N C E R 


 T h e   p h o t o   o f   m y   h u s b a n d   a n d   I 

 M y   c l a s s   p h o t o   f r o m   E g y p t 

I've got two lovely boys, Gordon, 54 & Emrys, 58 and four grandchildren.

We’ve always been on holiday, Italy, Portugal, France, Belgium we went everywhere and they are all happy memories.

Copyright © 2015 | All Rights Reserved | Eléonore de Bonneval


  M y   f a m i l y  p h o t o   


My engagement ring got hovered. I dropped it in the bedroom, in the dresser, my husband hovered it. He didn’t know.

When I came back, I asked ‘oh did you pick the ring up ?

‘No’ he said...

I got a wedding ring that he bought me. This is from him as well. It is a crystal from Ireland.

My friend who worked at the Corner House Hotel just opposite Big Ben told me they were looking for someone to work Saturdays and Sundays. I got a job there,

I really loved it and that is how I met with my husband.

It was quick. I met him on the first week. The next I know, he wanted to come and meet with my family.

My dad was dead so he came and met with my mum first. As it happened, m y mum liked him.

I had a letter from his mum inviting me to Wales.

While we were there, he took me on a trip to Liverpool and my husband bought me my engagement ring. In 3 months we were married. It was 1957. I’ve never looked back.

This photo was shot by a professional photographer on our last holidays together, a few months before he died.

* Lucie’s husband died in 2013.



I returned from Egypt with my Mum when I was 15 and started to work straight away.

For a few years, I did office work. My wages were 30 shillings a week, the old money !


E v e r l a s t i n g   L i v e s 


 b y   E l é o n o r e   d e   B o n n e v a l 


Viviane Fatimani's story


Sanjay Chadha's story