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E v e r l a s t i n g   L i v e s

   T  h  a  n  k     y  o  u                            

  C   r  e  d  i  t  s    |    C  o  n  t  a  c  t  s  


Jade Sempare, John Waterhouse, Lucie Owen, Josephie Farrougia, Sanjay Chadha, Susan Murray, Viviane Fatimani and all members of staff from St Joseph's Hospice 

Everlasting Lives is a series of moving and intimate portraits capturing important objects that most represent the lives of some of the patients at

St Joseph's Hospice.
Photojournalist Eléonore de Bonneval, 

asked patients who are affected by life-limiting conditions or terminal illnesses to pick five of the most important objects to their lives. She soon realised that no objects were selected for their 

materialistic values.

What mattered were the stories attached to those objects. The photographed objects act as an introduction to parts of people's 

personal and emotional life stories. Through those images we read about people's favourite music, books and travels but we also hear about their fears, doubts and the important role played by their loved ones throughout their lives.

Eléonore de Bonneval is a London-based freelance photojournalist.

  A b o u t                                                
