Made with

 M y   n a t i o n a l   r e c o r d   o f   a c h i e v e m e n t s 

I live independently from my mum. I moved out from her’s after I went to Coventry. That was such an important moment in my life. Me expressing to my mum how I wanted to move out. My mum saying “yeah yeah but but…” and then me standing up and saying “MUM, I’m going to move out with your help or not”.

She really didn’t take well my abruptness...



J a d e   S e m p a r e ,   3 1 


D  I A G N O S E D   W I T H   M U L T I P L E   S C L E R O S I S  

A T   T H E   A G E   O F   1 3 


 M y   h o u s e   k e y s 

She is extremely important to me.

As a child, I always wanted a sister or a brother. On the picture, we look so alike and it feels nice to me that she has the opportunity to live the life I once had and makes the right decisions. 

I am so proud of her.

Copyright © 2015 | All Rights Reserved | Eléonore de Bonneval


 M y   g a r d e n i n g   t o o l s 

I jumped out of an airplane when I was 14 – 15 and I think it was when jumping that I saw the potential I had.

My mum kept the photos but she is scared of heights.

 S k y d i v i n g 


I have set up my own gardening project in Caravanserai, Canning Town.

I want to help people have a more simple life with gardening. I spoke to the participants about them growing plant and challenging them on how they would feel. Knowing that when you see something grow it builds on your self esteem etc.

It is a drop-in project because I am aware that people’s condition may prevent them from committing.

I opted to go to residential college up in Coventry when I was about 14, I studied there for 2.5 years and got my degree in per forming arts.
I remember living on my own and I really became over independent.
On Saturdays I would go shopping for my Sunday meal and I would do that independently of my college.
Even they saw how independent I was.

E v e r l a s t i n g   L i v e s 

  b y   E l é o n o r e   d e   B o n n e v a l  


Sanjay Chadha's story

John Waterhouse's story

 T h e   p h o t o   o f   m y   s i s t e r   a n d   I